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[51935] 主题: 瞻仰一下SARS的元凶:)[多图] |
作者: KID_1412 | 标题: 瞻仰一下SARS的元凶:)[多图][转载] | |
昵称: 无知·非典型笨小孩 | 来自: 61.165.*.* | |
经验值: 53124 | 发贴时间: 2003年04月26日 00:56:28 | |
等级: ☆☆☆☆☆ | 长度: 103字 | |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 知我者谓我心忧 不知我者谓我何求 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ※作者已于 2003-04-26 00:57:34 修改本文※ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
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作者: KID_1412 | 标题: RE: | |
昵称: 无知·非典型笨小孩 | 来自: 61.165.*.* | |
经验值: 53134 | 发贴时间: 2003年04月26日 01:01:08 | |
等级: ☆☆☆☆☆ | 长度: 3713字 | |
********************** Coronaviruses - the cause of SARS Here's what we know about SARS so far: SARS is a type of viral pneumonia, with symptoms including fever, a dry coug h, dyspnea (shortness of breath), headache, and hypoxaemia (low blood oxygen concentration). Typical laboratory findings include lymphopaenia (reduced l ymphocyte numbers) and mildly elevated aminotransferase levels (indicating l iver damage). Death may result from progressive respiratory failure due to a lveolar damage. E.M of SARS virus The outbreak is believed to have originated in February 2003 in the Guangdon g province of China, where 300 people became ill, and at least five died. Af ter initial reports that a paramyxovirus was responsible, the true cause app ears to be a novel coronavirus with some unusual properties. For one thing, the SARS virus can be grown in Vero cells (a fibroblast cell line isolated i n 1962 from a primate) - a novel property for HCoV's, most of which cannot b e cultivated. In these cells, virus infection results in a cytopathic effect , and budding of coronavirus-like particles from the endoplasmic reticulum w ithin infected cells. Amplification of short regions of the polymerase gene, (the most strongly co nserved part of the coronavirus genome) by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and nucleotide sequencing revealed that the SARS vir us is a novel coronavirus which has not previously been present in human pop ulations. This conclusion is confirmed by serological (antigenic) investigat ions. We now know the complete sequence of all 29,736 nucleotides of the SAR S virus genome. The sequence appears to be typical of coronaviruses, with no particularly unusual features: The SARS virus is believed to be spread by droplets produced by coughing and sneezing, but other routes of infection may also be involved, such as conta mination of objects by the hands, so wash your hands! The WHO estimates that SARS is fatal in around 4% of cases, usually where the person has an underl ying condition such as diabetes or heart disease, or a weakened immune syste m. In 90% of cases, people seem to recover around a week after being infecte d. This is around the same mortality rate as in other diseases, such as West Nile virus infection. There are currently no antiviral drugs shown to be co nsistently successful in treating SARS or any coronavirus infection, nor any vaccine against SARS. Diagnostic tests for coronavirus infection fall into two types: Serological testing for anti-coronavirus antibodies consists of indirect flu orescent antibody testing and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) whi ch detect antibodies against the virus produced in response to infection. Al though some patients have detectable coronavirus antibody within 14 days of illness onset, definitive interpretation of negative coronavirus antibody te sts is possible only for specimens obtained >21 days after onset of fever . Molecular testing consists of reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reactio n (RT-PCR) tests specific for the RNA from this novel coronavirus. This can detect infection within the first 10 days after the onset of fever in some S ARS patients, but the duration of detectable viraemia and virus shedding is unknown, so RT-PCR tests performed too late could give negative results. Com mercial diagnostic tests are now available. From http://www-micro.msb.le.ac.uk/3035/Coronaviruses.html#SARS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 知我者谓我心忧 不知我者谓我何求 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ※作者已于 2003-04-26 01:02:25 修改本文※ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ※作者已于 2003-04-26 01:08:44 修改本文※ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
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作者: KID_1412 | 标题: RE:RE: | |
昵称: 无知·非典型笨小孩 | 来自: 61.165.*.* | |
经验值: 53177 | 发贴时间: 2003年04月26日 01:07:59 | |
等级: ☆☆☆☆☆ | 长度: 236字 | |
然后把图片的URL输入进去…… ============================= 小老鼠在其大作中写道: 那张电镜照片在内科上有的耶………… 呵呵 不会发图,学习中…… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 平淡是我的追求。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
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作者: KID_1412 | 标题: RE: | |
昵称: 无知·非典型笨小孩 | 来自: 61.165.*.* | |
经验值: 53180 | 发贴时间: 2003年04月26日 01:11:56 | |
等级: ☆☆☆☆☆ | 长度: 134字 | |
另:今天溜到微生物教研室去听钱利生和胡纯达老师给研究生做的讲座“冠状病毒与SA RS”,其中好像也引用了上文的一些图片和资料呢 长见识中…… |
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作者: awuaawua | 标题: RE: | |
昵称: 华华 | 来自: 202.101.*.* | |
经验值: 23660 | 发贴时间: 2003年04月26日 02:06:15 | |
等级: 登峰造极 | 长度: 49字 | |
不是昨天下午1:30? 哦 某人翘课 |
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作者: | 标题: RE: | |
昵称: 顾左右而言他 | 来自: 218.79.*.* | |
经验值: 1598 | 发贴时间: 2003年05月05日 08:34:41 | |
等级: 小有作为 | 长度: 19字 | |
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