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[362497] 主题: How to read a research paper - a clinician's view |
作者: flyhi |
标题: ![]() |
昵称: p53 | 来自: 192.168.*.* | |
经验值: 3804 | 发贴时间: 2005年08月27日 20:18:09 | |
等级: 对答如流 | 长度: 1308字 | |
A research paper contain the following sections: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Materi al and Methods, Results, Discussion and the Literatures cited. When reading a paper, I use the order Conclusion in Abstract, Introduction, Results, Conc lusion and MM. An abstract summarize the study with brevity and readability. It contains a few items such as Purpose of the study, the Model involved, the Specific data show in Results and Conclus ion. The Conclusion may directly show me the importance of the study. Why an introduction should by emphasized? A good introduction should give the reader a cir cumstance to understand the significance of the study whether you are a specialist or not. Results show the analyzed data to prove the conclusion. Usualy author describe the result s in the form of a figure or table that are most relevant. Discussion is the most interesting part of the research paper. The gloden rule of discussi on is to interpret your data in appropriate depth. With the interpretation of the results t he author desribe the importance of these findings and recommend future directions. The m echanisms is the focus to explain the observations. With the hypothesis author discuss wi th other evidence to verify the conclusion and try to offer an appropriate explanation. -- ※作者已于 2005-08-31 21:45:28 修改本文※ |
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作者: flyhi |
标题: ![]() |
昵称: p53 | 来自: 192.168.*.* | |
经验值: 3819 | 发贴时间: 2005年08月27日 20:32:32 | |
等级: 对答如流 | 长度: 709字 | |
Common errors in chinese research papers.
The most obvious error in chinese research papers is the fluent of english abstract. Many p apers paid no attentions to the spelling, clarity of the sentences. Then the data in the results didn't been analyzed. The raw data without description make th e editor confused. Many author used the t test and chi-square to analyze data even it is not s uitable. Show me the evidence not the significance only. Then the discussion, it is difficult to interpret in appropriate depth. Do not describe th e result twice or conclude some explanations didn't justified in the results. The author s hould focus on his own study not present a review of the literatures. |
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作者: sunfield |
标题: ![]() |
昵称: KID~十万卷书听海潮 | 来自: 192.168.*.* | |
经验值: 6661 | 发贴时间: 2005年08月27日 20:42:00 | |
等级: 精于此道 | 长度: 232字 | |
贴个连接http://www.shmu.edu.cn/courses/2005spr/upload/0321/how%20to%20read%2 0a%20paper.pdf 这是研究生前沿文献精读课的材料 我尤其喜欢第3篇 HOW TO EVALUTE A PAPER |
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作者: sunfield |
标题: ![]() |
昵称: KID~十万卷书听海潮 | 来自: 192.168.*.* | |
经验值: 6664 | 发贴时间: 2005年08月27日 20:58:40 | |
等级: 精于此道 | 长度: 850字 | |
我发现,我仍然不会读文献 当我只能刻刻巴巴地翻译出全文时,我不知道读文献应该先从图开始;当我听鲁白先生 推荐读文献的方法是abstract―figure-result-discussion时,我还不知道要力图领 会作者的全部思路;当我能明白作者提出什么hypothesis,用什么方法证明,用什么做 对照,前前后后的story是什么时,我的批判性眼光却不知道去了那里;当我终于能找 出JBC或者PNAS上的一辆个漏洞,笑嘻嘻的说他对照不完全的时候,我读过的文献还少 的可怜;当师兄告诉我要学会泛读,要学会把一个相关课题PNAS和JBC以下的文章快速 地览其要旨,然后挑出做的极好的CNS级的文章细细精读,我仿佛豁然开悟,却仍然会 在一篇已经“精读”过N次的文章上被问倒;当我仔仔细细的看过背景资料和几乎所有 的reference,老板却问,你认为作者接下去会做什么?…… -- ――"It's going to be all right,dont worry..." ――"I'm not worried, Harry. I'm with you." |
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作者: lightfire |
标题: ![]() |
昵称: GGYY*浩歌归去 | 来自: 192.168.*.* | |
经验值: 2353 | 发贴时间: 2006年02月27日 23:40:58 | |
等级: 对答如流 | 长度: 14字 | |
路漫漫其修远兮 |
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