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[346455] 主题: 2004年最新影响因子,IF>5, 从高到低
作者: sunfield 标题:  2004年最新影响因子,IF>5, 从高到低[转载]
昵称: KID~看乌云在哪里降落 来自: 192.168.*.*
经验值: 5719 发贴时间: 2005年06月19日 11:16:12
等级: 精于此道 长度: 15568字
发信人: McKinsey (加州・阳光・海岸), 信区: LifeScience
标 题: 2004年最新影响因子,IF>5, 从高到低
发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Jun 18 07:00:37 2005), 站内



比如Plos bio, nature material,syst bio,还有老的nature biotech...


Abbreviated Journal Title ISSN 2004
Total Cites Impact
Factor Immediacy
Index 2004
Articles Cited

ANNU REV IMMUNOL 0732-0582 14357 52.431 6.100 30 5.9
CA-CANCER J CLIN 0007-9235 3725 44.515 3.3
NEW ENGL J MED 0028-4793 159498 38.570 10.478 316 6.9
NAT REV CANCER 1474-175X 6618 36.557 4.152 79 2.3
PHYSIOL REV 0031-9333 14671 33.918 4.029 35 6.7
NAT REV MOL CELL BIO 1471-0072 9446 33.170 4.167 84 2.8
REV MOD PHYS 0034-6861 17765 32.771 5.826 23 >10.0
NAT REV IMMUNOL 1474-1733 5957 32.695 3.250 80 2.2
NATURE 0028-0836 363374 32.182 6.089 878 7.2
SCIENCE 0036-8075 332803 31.853 7.379 845 7.0
ANNU REV BIOCHEM 0066-4154 16487 31.538 4.182 33 7.9
NAT MED 1078-8956 38657 31.223 5.720 168 4.7
CELL 0092-8674 136472 28.389 7.632 288 7.9
NAT IMMUNOL 1529-2908 14063 27.586 5.400 130 2.7
JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC 0098-7484 88864 24.831 5.499 351 6.3
NAT GENET 1061-4036 49529 24.695 5.623 191 5.1
ANNU REV NEUROSCI 0147-006X 8093 23.143 2.154 26 6.3
PHARMACOL REV 0031-6997 7800 22.837 1.105 19 6.5
NAT BIOTECHNOL 1087-0156 18169 22.355 4.942 138 4.0
LANCET 0140-6736 126002 21.713 5.017 415 6.8
SURF SCI REP 0167-5729 2291 21.350 1.000 11 6.8
NAT REV GENET 1471-0056 5766 21.329 3.922 77 2.8
NAT REV NEUROSCI 1471-0048 6449 21.225 3.230 74 3.0
ANNU REV PHARMACOL 0362-1642 5724 21.104 5.435 23 6.0
NAT CELL BIOL 1465-7392 16704 20.649 4.930 129 3.3
CHEM REV 0009-2665 45129 20.233 3.945 183 7.3
NAT REV DRUG DISCOV 1474-1776 3066 19.583 3.449 69 2.1
ANNU REV ASTRON ASTR 0066-4146 5043 18.839 1.800 15 9.8
ENDOCR REV 0163-769X 9919 18.784 2.355 31 7.1
CANCER CELL 1535-6108 4304 18.122 3.351 97 2.1
ANNU REV CELL DEV BI 1081-0706 6956 17.804 0.548 31 6.2
MICROBIOL MOL BIOL R 1092-2172 4807 17.037 1.606 33 5.2
NAT NEUROSCI 1097-6256 16223 16.980 3.079 189 3.8
MOL CELL 1097-2765 24158 16.811 3.188 314 3.5
ANNU REV PHYSIOL 0066-4278 6740 16.672 2.379 29 6.9
GENE DEV 0890-9369 47892 16.385 2.981 263 5.7
ANNU REV PLANT BIOL 1040-2519 7393 16.240 2.565 23 8.5
BBA-REV CANCER 0304-419X 1720 16.120 0.280 25 6.4
SOLID STATE PHYS 0081-1947 2052 16.000 1.000 4 >10.0
IMMUNITY 1074-7613 20967 15.448 2.729 133 5.0
DEV CELL 1534-5807 5638 15.434 3.239 138 2.1
CURR OPIN CELL BIOL 0955-0674 12674 15.422 1.809 94 5.0
ADV PHYS 0001-8732 3465 15.333 0.778 9 >10.0
ASTROPHYS J SUPPL S 0067-0049 13565 15.231 2.724 203 7.1
TRENDS NEUROSCI 0166-2236 14615 14.794 1.564 110 6.9
PHYS REP 0370-1573 13822 14.742 1.704 98 8.5
TRENDS GENET 0168-9525 9404 14.643 2.179 95 4.7
J EXP MED 0022-1007 63416 14.588 2.436 321 7.0
NEURON 0896-6273 43226 14.439 2.672 314 5.4
TRENDS CELL BIOL 0962-8924 8197 14.327 1.792 96 4.1
MAT SCI ENG R 0927-796X 2066 14.233 0.846 13 4.9
J CLIN INVEST 0021-9738 78271 14.204 2.554 350 7.8
TRENDS BIOCHEM SCI 0968-0004 15030 14.112 1.823 96 5.9
REV PHYSIOL BIOCH P 0303-4240 918 13.929 1.182 11 8.2
PLOS BIOL 1544-9173 1059 13.868 2.704 196 1.0
J NATL CANCER I 0027-8874 29516 13.856 3.031 159 7.0
NAT MATER 1476-1122 2462 13.531 2.182 132 1.6
ANNU REV BIOPH BIOM 1056-8700 3772 13.462 2.600 20 7.3
ACCOUNTS CHEM RES 0001-4842 18816 13.154 1.971 104 6.2
ANN INTERN MED 0003-4819 36932 13.114 3.545 189 8.6
GASTROENTEROLOGY 0016-5085 45041 13.092 2.529 376 7.0
TRENDS IMMUNOL 1471-4906 3598 13.075 1.676 102 2.5
TRENDS PHARMACOL SCI 0165-6147 9045 13.054 1.907 86 5.6
TRENDS ECOL EVOL 0169-5347 10292 12.938 2.085 71 6.3
ANNU REV PSYCHOL 0066-4308 3639 12.800 1.929 28 7.1
CIRCULATION 0009-7322 115133 12.563 1.758 1129 5.5
AM J HUM GENET 0002-9297 31117 12.340 2.665 227 5.3
ANNU REV MICROBIOL 0066-4227 5323 12.316 0.750 24 7.9
NAT STRUCT MOL BIOL 1545-9985 14816 12.000 3.368 155 4.7
ANNU REV PHYS CHEM 0066-426X 4078 11.944 1.450 20 9.0
PROG NEUROBIOL 0301-0082 7665 11.933 0.778 45 6.2
CURR BIOL 0960-9822 25144 11.901 2.569 334 4.0
TRENDS PLANT SCI 1360-1385 5598 11.833 1.319 94 4.1
J CELL BIOL 0021-9525 70125 11.602 2.143 378 7.1
CURR OPIN GENET DEV 0959-437X 7069 11.580 1.191 94 4.4
CURR OPIN IMMUNOL 0952-7915 7983 11.565 2.421 107 4.6
ANNU REV GENET 0066-4197 4397 11.304 0.333 27 7.2
PLANT CELL 1040-4651 21024 11.295 2.154 259 5.4
ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT 0003-990X 26915 11.207 1.568 111 >10.0
ANNU REV MED 0066-4219 3188 11.200 3.207 29 6.1
ANNU REV NUTR 0199-9885 2760 11.075 0.654 26 6.8
CHEM SOC REV 0306-0012 5621 10.836 2.351 57 6.7
LANCET INFECT DIS 1473-3099 1678 10.788 1.845 58 2.3
CLIN MICROBIOL REV 0893-8512 5714 10.671 1.617 47 6.1
Q REV BIOPHYS 0033-5835 1882 10.600 3.500 2 9.8
EMBO J 0261-4189 80131 10.492 2.353 462 6.3
PROG MATER SCI 0079-6425 1691 10.467 0.682 22 6.7
P NATL ACAD SCI USA 0027-8424 345309 10.452 1.923 3084 6.7
HEPATOLOGY 0270-9139 31262 10.416 1.599 319 5.6
GENOME RES 1088-9051 13455 10.382 2.343 274 3.5
SYST BIOL 1063-5157 4468 10.257 1.237 59 5.0
ANNU REV ENTOMOL 0066-4170 4177 10.151 2.000 19 >10.0
ACM COMPUT SURV 0360-0300 1469 10.037 0.083 12 6.4
CIRC RES 0009-7330 35038 9.972 1.974 340 6.0
CYTOKINE GROWTH F R 1359-6101 2107 9.926 0.857 35 3.7
J CLIN ONCOL 0732-183X 49123 9.835 2.094 595 5.1
CURR OPIN STRUC BIOL 0959-440X 7416 9.821 1.189 90 4.9
BLOOD 0006-4971 97885 9.782 2.025 1206 5.1
ADV CATAL 0360-0564 1393 9.750 0.000 4 >10.0
MOL CELL PROTEOMICS 1535-9476 1630 9.624 2.021 96 2.1
FRONT NEUROENDOCRIN 0091-3022 1354 9.500 0.625 8 5.7
ANNU REV ECOL EVOL S 1543-592X 7198 9.429 0.125 24 >10.0
ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT 1433-7851 76904 9.161 1.966 1224 5.2
J AM COLL CARDIOL 0735-1097 40841 9.133 1.920 591 5.5
TRENDS ENDOCRIN MET 1043-2760 2974 9.058 0.595 74 3.6
CURR OPIN PLANT BIOL 1369-5266 3668 9.057 1.548 93 3.4
EJC SUPPL 1359-6349 1052 9.023 1.471 34 3.3
DIABETES 0012-1797 34332 8.848 1.443 497 5.4
ALDRICHIM ACTA 0002-5100 618 8.833 1.500 6 6.5
RECENT PROG HORM RES 0079-9963 1788 8.833 2.579 19 7.5
PROG LIPID RES 0163-7827 1826 8.810 2.100 20 6.0
MASS SPECTROM REV 0277-7037 1611 8.743 3.750 16 6.0
FEMS MICROBIOL REV 0168-6445 3426 8.703 0.867 30 6.0
ADV MICROB PHYSIOL 0065-2911 846 8.667 0.200 5 6.9
REV GEOPHYS 8755-1209 4155 8.667 1.714 14 >10.0
CURR OPIN CHEM BIOL 1367-5931 4754 8.623 1.169 89 3.6
TRENDS BIOTECHNOL 0167-7799 4923 8.606 0.990 98 5.4
ANNU REV GENOM HUM G 1527-8204 812 8.581 0.647 17 3.4
PROG POLYM SCI 0079-6700 3379 8.482 1.407 27 4.8
NANO LETT 1530-6984 7349 8.449 1.651 459 2.0
MED RES REV 0198-6325 1730 8.418 1.808 26 4.6
LANCET NEUROL 1474-4422 1017 8.340 2.263 57 1.7
BRAIN 0006-8950 20990 8.201 1.221 235 7.2
CELL DEATH DIFFER 1350-9047 5671 8.192 1.644 132 3.7
CURR OPIN MICROBIOL 1369-5274 3548 8.182 1.086 93 3.5
ANNU REV BIOMED ENG 1523-9829 786 8.156 0.053 19 3.9
AM J RESP CRIT CARE 1073-449X 33673 8.123 2.824 330 5.0
ANN NEUROL 0364-5134 25960 8.097 1.827 237 7.5
CURR OPIN BIOTECH 0958-1669 4643 8.080 0.919 86 4.2
ADV MATER 0935-9648 21834 8.079 0.831 414 4.2
CATAL REV 0161-4940 2242 8.000 0.250 8 >10.0
TRENDS COGN SCI 1364-6613 3580 7.992 1.012 84 4.3
CURR OPIN NEUROBIOL 0959-4388 7660 7.937 1.069 102 5.0
ADV IMMUNOL 0065-2776 2626 7.929 1.087 23 8.7
J COSMOL ASTROPART P 1475-7516 1014 7.914 1.943 141 1.3
J NEUROSCI 0270-6474 93263 7.907 1.350 1233 5.6
NAT PROD REP 0265-0568 2027 7.890 1.615 39 4.6
IMMUNOL REV 0105-2896 7142 7.878 0.922 116 4.9
PROG OPTICS 0079-6638 1046 7.846 0.400 5 9.0
REP PROG PHYS 0034-4885 5219 7.842 1.878 41 8.9
MOL CELL BIOL 0270-7306 68354 7.822 1.441 953 5.8
HUM MOL GENET 0964-6906 21091 7.801 1.549 326 4.5
ADV DRUG DELIVER REV 0169-409X 5594 7.763 0.918 98 4.0
TRENDS MICROBIOL 0966-842X 4729 7.748 1.077 78 4.4
ANNU REV NUCL PART S 0163-8998 1501 7.739 0.200 15 8.1
PSYCHOL BULL 0033-2909 15557 7.701 2.188 32 >10.0
CANCER RES 0008-5472 105196 7.690 1.030 1253 6.1
SEMIN CANCER BIOL 1044-579X 2607 7.644 0.688 48 4.7
AM J PSYCHIAT 0002-953X 32415 7.614 1.052 290 7.5
EMBO REP 1469-221X 4411 7.567 1.871 139 2.7
MOL BIOL CELL 1059-1524 19035 7.517 1.641 487 4.2
ARCH INTERN MED 0003-9926 26525 7.508 1.262 282 7.0
TRENDS MOL MED 1471-4914 2178 7.497 0.584 101 2.7
PHARMACOL THERAPEUT 0163-7258 5837 7.496 1.000 54 6.7
LANCET ONCOL 1470-2045 2094 7.470 1.067 89 2.6
ARTERIOSCL THROM VAS 1079-5642 21990 7.432 1.443 359 5.3
ARTH RHEUM/AR C RES 0004-3591 32827 7.414 1.040 597 6.0
ADV POLYM SCI 0065-3195 2628 7.320 0.929 28 >10.0
NUCLEIC ACIDS RES 0305-1048 66057 7.260 1.573 1160 7.1
PHYS REV LETT 0031-9007 229765 7.218 1.603 3575 6.5
ADV ATOM MOL OPT PHY 0065-2199 871 7.214 8.5
J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUN 0091-6749 19416 7.205 1.244 348 5.2
PROG INORG CHEM 0079-6379 1910 7.200 >10.0
TRAFFIC 1398-9219 2455 7.186 1.518 85 2.9
DEVELOPMENT 0950-1991 41076 7.149 1.555 528 6.1
PSYCHOL REV 0033-295X 12753 7.145 1.356 45 >10.0
BEHAV BRAIN SCI 0140-525X 3926 7.125 0.833 6 8.6
DIABETES CARE 0149-5992 23635 7.071 1.654 474 5.4
BRIT MED J 0959-535X 56807 7.038 3.039 623 7.3
MOL PSYCHIATR 1359-4184 4742 6.943 2.135 104 3.5
DRUG DISCOV TODAY 1359-6446 2617 6.928 1.229 83 2.9
J PROTEOME RES 1535-3893 943 6.917 0.816 136 1.9
J CELL SCI 0021-9533 26366 6.910 1.062 581 4.8
J AM CHEM SOC 0002-7863 231890 6.903 1.343 3167 8.7
PROG NUCL MAG RES SP 0079-6565 1440 6.885 0.667 18 7.5
HUM MUTAT 1059-7794 4871 6.845 1.331 127 4.1
CLIN PHARMACOL THER 0009-9236 9917 6.825 1.761 109 8.6
FASEB J 0892-6638 27094 6.820 1.368 446 5.4
ANNU REV PHYTOPATHOL 0066-4286 2754 6.714 0.444 18 >10.0
ANNU REV FLUID MECH 0066-4189 3162 6.694 1.688 16 >10.0
SEP PURIF METHOD 0360-2540 180 6.667 0 6.5
J AM SOC NEPHROL 1046-6673 15341 6.644 1.080 363 4.0
ANNU REV MATER RES 1531-7331 2022 6.622 0.750 12 6.3
GUT 0017-5749 20917 6.601 1.500 280 6.2
J HIGH ENERGY PHYS 1126-6708 19168 6.503 2.189 809 2.6
CLIN CHEM 0009-9147 17366 6.501 1.675 197 7.5
J IMMUNOL 0022-1767 108602 6.486 1.096 1793 5.5
COORDIN CHEM REV 0010-8545 11703 6.446 0.705 105 5.9
AM J PATHOL 0002-9440 31822 6.441 0.957 418 6.0
BIOESSAYS 0265-9247 8144 6.430 1.014 146 5.0
PHARMACOGENETICS 0960-314X 4497 6.406 1.000 95 4.7
PLANT J 0960-7412 15675 6.367 1.418 323 5.2
J BIOL CHEM 0021-9258 405017 6.355 1.250 6585 5.9
MOL BIOL EVOL 0737-4038 14622 6.355 1.489 231 6.3
NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV R 0149-7634 4707 6.346 0.788 66 6.4
ONCOGENE 0950-9232 45546 6.318 1.183 1003 4.6
DRUG METAB REV 0360-2532 1403 6.283 0.268 41 6.6
EUR HEART J 0195-668X 10890 6.247 1.320 250 5.2
ASTROPHYS J 0004-637X 144264 6.237 1.616 2478 6.2
CURR OPIN LIPIDOL 0957-9672 2605 6.232 0.578 64 4.6
ADV CANCER RES 0065-230X 2209 6.200 0.800 5 7.0
BIOL PSYCHIAT 0006-3223 17553 6.159 0.900 300 5.5
SIAM REV 0036-1445 2178 6.118 0.192 26 >10.0
CRIT REV BIOCHEM MOL 1040-9238 1840 6.115 0.462 13 9.8
CELL MICROBIOL 1462-5814 1978 6.097 1.323 99 2.8
ANTIVIR THER 1359-6535 1398 6.036 2.9
NEUROLOGY 0028-3878 55014 5.973 0.926 942 6.3
AGING CELL 1474-9718 349 5.960 1.133 45 1.7
MOL MICROBIOL 0950-382X 27182 5.959 1.311 528 5.3
J MACH LEARN RES 1532-4435 621 5.952 0.438 48 2.5
CAN MED ASSOC J 0820-3946 6736 5.941 3.750 100 6.0
ANN SURG 0003-4932 20868 5.907 0.813 219 9.0
AIDS 0269-9370 17503 5.893 1.128 359 4.5
PLANT PHYSIOL 0032-0889 37237 5.881 0.961 560 7.4
MOL ENDOCRINOL 0888-8809 12285 5.872 1.051 234 6.1
PROG SOLID STATE CH 0079-6786 719 5.857 1.500 2 >10.0
RNA 1355-8382 5244 5.842 1.484 190 3.9
ASTRON J 0004-6256 26385 5.841 1.226 523 5.9
NUCL PHYS B 0550-3213 43218 5.819 2.181 476 8.6
LEUKEMIA 0887-6924 10865 5.810 1.191 220 4.8
SEMIN NUCL MED 0001-2998 1234 5.800 0.323 31 5.9
J CLIN ENDOCR METAB 0021-972X 49601 5.778 0.942 868 6.1
STROKE 0039-2499 30105 5.748 1.034 528 6.5
BIOINFORMATICS 1367-4803 11390 5.742 0.715 564 3.4
SEMIN IMMUNOL 1044-5323 2128 5.734 1.905 42 4.6
CHEM BIOL 1074-5521 5636 5.725 1.585 159 4.6
ADV FUNCT MATER 1616-301X 2024 5.679 0.797 148 2.3
J CEREBR BLOOD F MET 0271-678X 10182 5.673 0.826 144 6.6
MOL MEMBR BIOL 0968-7688 968 5.667 0.500 42 3.8
EMERG INFECT DIS 1080-6040 7556 5.643 1.350 374 3.1
FREE RADICAL BIO MED 0891-5849 18352 5.625 0.573 342 5.4
CLIN CANCER RES 1078-0432 23585 5.623 0.700 1052 3.9
CLIN INFECT DIS 1058-4838 23917 5.594 1.684 431 4.6
DIABETOLOGIA 0012-186X 14530 5.583 0.914 257 7.1
J MOL BIOL 0022-2836 62325 5.542 1.070 991 7.3
NEUROBIOL AGING 0197-4580 5501 5.516 1.240 129 5.4
ADV ORGANOMET CHEM 0065-3055 1132 5.500 1.800 10 >10.0
STEM CELLS 1066-5099 2384 5.500 0.759 112 3.8
TRENDS PARASITOL 1471-4922 1536 5.497 0.819 105 2.5
PROTEOMICS 1615-9853 3540 5.483 0.692 370 2.3
ANTISENSE NUCLEIC A 1087-2906 1194 5.473 0 5.5
CLIN PHARMACOKINET 0312-5963 4653 5.453 0.425 73 7.2
ANAL CHEM 0003-2700 59525 5.450 0.885 1007 7.1
J BONE MINER RES 0884-0431 15147 5.436 0.904 208 6.0
AM J CLIN NUTR 0002-9165 26010 5.433 0.960 377 7.3
DEV BIOL 0012-1606 23832 5.432 1.000 455 6.8
BMC BIOINFORMATICS 1471-2105 728 5.423 0.477 199 1.9
ACTA CRYSTALLOGR B 0108-7681 9852 5.418 0.452 84 >10.0
J VIROL 0022-538X 74388 5.398 0.985 1464 5.9
CURR PHARM DESIGN 1381-6128 3760 5.385 1.243 309 2.5
CARCINOGENESIS 0143-3334 16076 5.375 0.750 288 6.7
J NUCL MED 0161-5505 14850 5.362 0.816 293 7.0
PROG RETIN EYE RES 1350-9462 1477 5.345 0.826 23 4.7
HYPERTENSION 0194-911X 21932 5.342 1.254 335 5.8
J PATHOL 0022-3417 9809 5.333 1.044 183 5.4
BIOL REV 1464-7931 2706 5.325 0.765 34 >10.0
CEREB CORTEX 1047-3211 7096 5.322 1.097 134 5.0
AM J TRANSPLANT 1600-6135 2522 5.306 0.929 325 1.9
TOP CURR CHEM 0340-1022 2779 5.283 1.052 58 6.6
J COGNITIVE NEUROSCI 0898-929X 5578 5.275 0.466 148 5.1
CURR OPIN COLLOID IN 1359-0294 1952 5.271 0.224 58 4.4
MOL CANCER THER 1535-7163 1673 5.242 0.575 179 2.2
MON NOT R ASTRON SOC 0035-8711 43858 5.238 1.306 1222 5.3
CRIT REV SOLID STATE 1040-8436 372 5.222 0.000 4 >10.0
J CELL PHYSIOL 0021-9541 10185 5.222 0.733 191 6.9
PHYS TODAY 0031-9228 3000 5.211 1.417 48 6.5
MOL THER 1525-0016 4235 5.204 0.938 208 2.9
ANNU REV EARTH PL SC 0084-6597 1971 5.188 0.750 20 10.0
CELL CALCIUM 0143-4160 2981 5.186 0.540 113 5.1
STRUCTURE 0969-2126 8528 5.185 1.292 192 5.6
INT REV PHYS CHEM 0144-235X 781 5.182 0.636 11 4.8
REV MED VIROL 1052-9276 752 5.170 0.846 26 3.6
PHYS REV D 0556-2821 78709 5.156 1.615 2277 5.1
ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 41515 5.151 1.122 639 7.5
J GEN PHYSIOL 0022-1295 7472 5.105 1.465 101 8.7
MOL PHARMACOL 0026-895X 18934 5.080 0.950 343 6.2
J MED CHEM 0022-2623 32138 5.076 1.008 741 6.8
RADIOLOGY 0033-8419 35504 5.076 0.710 449 8.7
LAB CHIP 1473-0189 922 5.047 0.847 111 2.4
THORAX 0040-6376 11203 5.040 1.303 195 6.6
J NEUROPATH EXP NEUR 0022-3069 6612 5.037 0.518 112 6.9
ECOL MONOGR 0012-9615 5879 5.016 0.500 30 >10.0
EUR J IMMUNOL 0014-2980 21028 5.005 0.898 342 6.3
BBA-MOL CELL BIOL L 1388-1981 3039 5.004 0.179 84 4.0

If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it,
we would be so simple that we couldn't.



========== * * * * * ==========
作者: flyhi 标题:  Re: 2004年最新影响因子,IF>5, 从高到低
昵称: ForgetToCry 来自: 192.168.*.*
经验值: 3643 发贴时间: 2005年06月19日 11:50:53
等级: 对答如流 长度: 50字
========== * * * * * ==========
作者: merck 标题:  Re: 2004年最新影响因子,IF>5, 从高到低
昵称: 冷泉港 来自: 202.127.*.*
经验值: 590 发贴时间: 2005年07月04日 14:23:06
等级: 略懂一二 长度: 122字

【 在 flyhi (ForgetToCry) 的大作中提到: 】
: 临床类还是NEJM牛啊。

========== * * * * * ==========
作者: sunfield 标题:  Re: 2004年最新影响因子,IF>5, 从高到低
昵称: KID~看乌云在哪里降落 来自: 192.168.*.*
经验值: 5861 发贴时间: 2005年07月04日 19:04:59
等级: 精于此道 长度: 4722字
发信人: technician (燕园过客), 信区: Science
标 题: Nature对影响因子的评论
发信站: 北大未名站 (2005年07月03日14:30:48 星期天), 转信

送交者: 阿混五 2005年6月23日08:41:15 于 http://www.bbsland.com

Nature 435, 1003-1004 (23 June 2005)

Not-so-deep impact
Research assessment rests too heavily on the inflated status of the impact f

Every year at the end of June, scientific publishers' eyes turn to Philadelp

hia, where the Institute for Scientific Inxxxxation (ISI) releases a snippet

 of data that they crave: the impact factor of each journal. In due course,

bureaucrats in research agencies will roll the impact figures into their per

xxxxance indicators, and those scientists who worry about such things will q

uietly note which journal's number wins them the most brownie points.
Attempts to quantify the quality of science are always fraught with difficul

ty, and the journal impact factors are among the few numbers to persist. The

 result is an overemphasis of what is really a limited metric.
To obtain the latest impact factors, which were released last week, the ISI

number-crunchers added the total number of citations from all the monitored

journals during 2004 to items in the journal of interest that were published

 in 2002 and 2003. They then divided that total by the number of 'citable it

ems' ― loosely, papers and review articles ― that were published in the jo

urnal during those same two years.
The impact factor is taken by some administrators as a measure of the typica

l citation rate for the journal. But for many journals, it isn't 'typical' a

t all. Nature's latest impact factor is 32.2, an increase on last year and a

 high number that we're proud of, but it's one that merits a closer look.
For example, we have analysed the citations of individual papers in Nature a

nd found that 89% of last year's figure was generated by just 25% of our pap

The most cited Nature paper from 2002-03 was the mouse genome, published in
 December 2002. That paper represents the culmination of a great enterprise,

 but is inevitably an important point of reference rather than an expression

 of unusually deep mechanistic insight. So far it has received more than 1,0

00 citations. Within the measurement year of 2004 alone, it received 522 cit

ations. Our next most cited paper from 2002-03 (concerning the functional o
rganization of the yeast proteome) received 351 citations that year. Only 50

 out of the roughly 1,800 citable items published in those two years receive

d more than 100 citations in 2004. The great majority of our papers received

 fewer than 20 citations.
These figures all reflect just how strongly the impact factor is influenced

by a small minority of papers ― no doubt to a lesser extent in more special

ized journals, but significantly nevertheless. However, we are just as satis

fied with the value of our papers in the 'long tail' as with that of the mor

e highly cited work.
The citation rate of our papers also varies sharply between disciplines. Man

y of Nature's papers in immunology published in 2003 have since received bet

ween 50 and 200 citations. Significant proportions of those in cancer and mo

lecular and cell biology have been in the 50??150 range. But papers in physi

cs, palaeontology and climatology typically achieved fewer than 50 citations

. Clearly, these reflect differences in disciplinary dynamics, not in qualit

The impact factor also mixes citations to diverse types of content: unsurpri

singly, review articles are typically the most highly cited, but citations o

f our Commentaries, News Features and News & Views articles also contribute

in a minor way to the numerator (although these items are not counted in the

The net result of all these variables is a conclusion that impact factors do

n't tell us as much as some people may think about the respective quality of

 the science that journals are publishing. Neither do most scientists judge

journals using such statistics; they rely instead on their own assessment of

 what they actually read.
None of this would really matter very much, were it not for the unhealthy re

liance on impact factors by administrators and researchers' employers worldw

ide to assess the scientific quality of nations and institutions, and often

even to judge individuals. There is no doubt that impact factors are here to

 stay. But these figures illustrate why they should be handled with caution.

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