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[28271] 主题: 11月25日杨雄里院士报告(来自光华) |
作者: KID_1412 (无知) | ||
标题: 11月25日杨雄里院士报告(来自光华) | ||
来自: 211.144.*.* | ||
发贴时间: 2002年11月22日 14:08:27 | ||
长度: 1966字 | ||
发信人: tatabox (东君), 信区: FDU_Medical
标 题: ★★11月25日杨雄里院士报告★★ 发信站: 日月光华 (2002年11月21日16:42:52 星期四) 复旦大学生物医学世纪讲坛特邀报告 题目:论文撰写和送审过程中导师与学生间的互动 主讲人:杨雄里院士 时间:11月25日(星期一)下午2时 地点:东安路130号复旦大学枫林校区新教学楼306教室 -- 我总在寂寞边缘徘徊 ※ 来源:・日月光华 bbs.fudan.edu.cn・HTTP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 发信人: dendritic (树突细胞), 信区: FDU_Medical 标 题: Re: ★★11月25日杨雄里院士报告★★ 发信站: 日月光华 (2002年11月22日01:51:21 星期五) He once gave another lecture at SMU on "advances in neuroscience" before my gr aduation. But, to tell you the truth, I consider it, at most, just so so. That lecture seems more likely to be a lecture for the students whose major ar e not in biological sciences or related areas. Actually, his lecture did not e xceed the knowledge we had already mastered from our undergraduate textbook. T he only valuable thing I got from that lecture is that I got to know that HRP is extracted from a japanese seasoning, Wasaki, in chinese "Jie Mo". So I left the lecture ahead of time then. Based on another ways I have learnt about him, I think he is not worth to be e ntitled as a chief scientist in, at least, human neuroscience because his prev ious works are mainly concerned about zebra fish, a much lower leveled animal than human. Futhermore, he has once made a serious mistake in his research. I am not gonna go through that in details but I think this mistake is fatal for a person in science research. Anyway, enjoy this lecture. Pick up the stuffs you consider helpful and omit t he left ones. "Do not idolize anyone." That is my motto. -- Live free or die ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 知我者谓我心忧 不知我者谓我何求 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
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