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[279156] 主题: Create Your Own Life Map |
作者: lightfire (GGYY*浩歌归去) | ||
标题: Create Your Own Life Map[转载] | ||
来自: 192.168.*.* | ||
发贴时间: 2004年09月08日 19:16:12 | ||
长度: 1268字 | ||
A Life Map helps you discover what you want for yourself and your life. Follow the steps below to create your own Life Map.
“Our soul speaks to us in images. Our heads speak to us in thoughts…It’s hard to ignore when it’s staring you right in the face. It’s as if you’re literally creating your life as a work of art.” Step One:Gather magazines and catalogs. Step Two: Go through the magazines and catalogs and pullout images, words and phrases that speak to you or evoke feelings. Step Three: Cut out these images and words. Step Four: Place these images and words on a large board and adjust them in a way that feels right to you. Step Five: Paste the images on the board. Step Six: When finished, review your life map and ask yourself the following questions. * What have I learned about myself from looking at my Life Map? * Do I see any patterns? * If I knew that all of the images and this Life Map would come in to my life, would I be O.K. with that ? * Who do I need to become in order to fulfill the intentions on my Life Map? * Based on my Life Map, what quality will I commit to developing this year? Step Seven: Find support for changing your life. Share your findings with a friend. You can even create Life Maps together. -- ※作者已于 2004-09-08 19:17:01 修改本文※ |
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