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[395] 主题: 谁关心UDDI?(转贴) |
作者: little (渺小) | ||
标题: 谁关心UDDI?(转贴) | ||
来自: 203.95.*.* | ||
发贴时间: 2002年05月01日 17:34:42 | ||
长度: 4337字 | ||
who cares about uddi? david chappell - april 25 , 2002 web services are the most important thing happening in distributed computing today. and since distributed computing has become the norm, that puts them high on the list of important things, period. as usually described, the trinity of web services technologies includes soap for invoking remote operations, wsdl for specifying what those operations look like, and uddi for . . . well, what, exactly? what is uddi actually good for? theoretically, uddi stores information that helps clients select and use a web service. this might mean information about the kind of service provided, who provides it, and potentially even how much it costs. uddi is a very open-ended technology, and so it can store all kinds of data. pragmatically, however, the main thing required to access a web service is its wsdl definition. tools such as microsoft’s visual studio.net and ibm’s websphere studio can read a wsdl file and generate the client proxy required to invoke the operations described in that file. while there are uddi servers available on the internet today, there’s not much in them. in particular, they don’t contain many wsdl files. this isn’t really too surprising. after all, the primary application of web services today is enterprise application integration (eai). connecting existing code is a pressing business problem, one solved quite effectively by web services, and staying inside the firewall lessens the challenging authentication and privacy issues that can accompany soap today. for both of these reasons, eai has proven to be the killer app for web services. yet eai interconnections are quite static, and they don’t generally require internet access. accordingly, today’s internet-based uddi servers are largely irrelevant to the problem. there are simpler ways to discover the wsdl interface of the desired web services, such as having it sent to you via email by your fellow developer on the project. the next most important category of web services applications today is probably business-to-business, or b2b, integration across the internet. internet-based uddi servers could potentially be more useful here. once again, though, today’s b2b interactions are generally quite static |
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