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[345525] 主题: 敞开心扉,体验心灵悸动 |
作者: lichee (lichee) | ||
标题: 敞开心扉,体验心灵悸动 | ||
来自: 211.95.*.* | ||
发贴时间: 2005年06月07日 17:19:19 | ||
长度: 1761字 | ||
我20岁就告别童男时代了,前前后后女朋友换了三四个,对于性,已经没什么神秘感了,其中有一个处女(还是美女)提出和我做,都被我拒绝了~~ 其实啊,这事,关键看自己,平时不要木头疙瘩一个(我上学时不少医学院男生是这样的),只知道看书学习,也要打扮打扮自己,扮扮酷,风流倜傥一点,多和女人交往(即使是你不喜欢的),要学会倾听她们心里的声音,善解人意一点,细致周到一点。即使做不成男女朋友,普通朋友总可以了吧,然后再以她为发散点发散出去,她也会介绍她身边的朋友给你。朋友圈扩大了,有女朋友的概率就大了。 另外,请各位男生抛弃中国腐朽的封建观念吧,一个女孩来到你身边,真的爱她,就不要在乎她是不是处女,再说了,即使不是处女又能怎样?你觉得她肮脏啊? 中国的封建社会对国人造成了多么严重的伤害!让很多男女明明有需要却不敢大胆的提出来!尤其是女性,非要把那一刻留到洞房花烛夜,有那个必要吗?建议各位童男处女,投入的,忘情的爱一回,引用《第六感生死恋》中父亲对女儿的话与大家共勉: There is not an ounce of excitement,not a whisper of a thrill,and this relationship has all the passion of a pair of titmice.I want you to get swept away out there.I want you to levitate,I want you to sing with rapture and dance like a dervish.Love is passion,obsession,someone you can't live without.I say,fall head over heels,find someone you can love like crazy and who will love you the same way back. How do you find him?well,you forget your head and listen to your heart And i'm not hearing any heart,cause the truth is,honey,there's no sense living your life without this.To make the journey and not fall deeply in love,well,you haven't lived a life at all.But you have to try,cause if you haven't tried,you haven't lived Stay open,lightning could strike!!(敞开心扉,体验心灵悸动) |
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