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[245387] 主题: 当太阳晒晕脑袋 |
作者: megryan (米兰) | ||
标题: 当太阳晒晕脑袋[转载] | ||
来自: 192.168.*.* | ||
发贴时间: 2004年07月02日 14:24:13 | ||
长度: 3474字 | ||
恋爱进行时 ...ing (2003) IMDB:0381838 导演:Eon-hie Lee 编剧:Jin Kim 类型:爱情 宣传语:The most beautiful day in my life. 剧情梗概: Mi-na is a high school student living alone with her mother, dreams of having the perfect boyfriend. But can any man hope to live up to her image of the ideal partner? 当寡妇妈妈说“来,亲亲”的时候,总是说妈妈“思春了吧,找个男朋友吧”的女高中生敏雅。即会喝啤酒还背着妈妈偷偷抽烟,酷爱摇滚音乐的她可不是一个“不良少女”,她还是在内心深处渴望超越种种障碍的命运般爱情的浪漫主义者。 一天,敏雅的楼下搬来了一位外貌神气活现、摄影专业的大学生英在。虽然有点过分活泼,但还不至于很讨厌的英在对敏雅说“我第一眼就被你迷上了”,之后向敏雅展开积极的爱情攻势。又是偷拍敏雅的照片又是在她学校门口守候,为了讨对方欢心把心爱的乌龟也送作礼物。即使这样,敏雅也只是不讨厌他而已…… 连一起喝酒的妈妈也极力撮合他们,但敏雅依然坚持己见。“英在这么积极热情是真心的吗?”“难道这就是梦寐以求的爱情吗……” linyan1122 添加 只要单身的妈妈说“来,亲一个”,便回以“欲望得不到满足,赶快找个恋人”的高中生女儿Mi An既抽烟又喝酒还爱听摇滚乐,却并非什么不良少女。心里还期待着跨越一切障碍的浪漫爱情。 一天,长相亲善的摄影专业大学生Yeong Jae搬到Mi An家楼下。虽然脸皮有点厚倒也还不让人讨厌的Yeong Jae向Mi An宣告自己对她一见钟情,并展开了爱情攻势。偷拍Mi An照片,接她下课,把自己养的乌龟作为礼物送给他……此等种种以期讨得Mi An欢心。而Mi An只是不讨厌Yeong Jae…“我的字典里没有对不起这个词儿!想听的话就把自己名字改成对不起!” 去派出所领不良学生的Myeong U又遇到了Kyeong,刚想转身逃开却被抓住当了一天的搭档! wqin 添加 片长:South Korea:104 min 国家:韩国 语言:韩语 色彩:彩色 级别:South Korea:12 官方网站:http://www.oooing.com/ from www.impdb.com imdb上评分也有8.1来,可是只有80个人投票,未免虚了点,评论太少,随便看看,最好直接买碟看电影。话说回来,还参加了上海电影节。 IMDb user comments for ...ing (2003) Comments index for ...ing vincent.vega-2 vienna Date: 30 March 2004 Summary: Exceptionell One of the few asian movies (that I know of) that will appeal to a wide audience. ...ing is truly an unforgettable movie. The story's about a lonely girl whose illness kept her from making friends. Now in her teens attending school is about the most socializing thing she does. And even there she sits quiet in class. Her mother, knowing that her daughters decease will kill her sooner than later, keeps encouraging her daughter to live her life to it's fullest, getting a boyfriend and having fun. As one day a young photographer moves in in the flat under them and falls in love with her, she slowly learns to come out of her shelf... The story is quite simple but it's really well written with GREAT characters and funny ideas and translated professionally onto the screen. It almost feels like an Hollywood movie if there wasn't the fact that this is much more wittier and more original than Hollywood will ever be. If you're in for a heartwarming movie and prepared to shed some tears watch this movie. I highly recommend it! ...这女孩一定是影片的亮点,一轮的mvp,没有期期艾艾的拖泥带水,气定神闲的表情给人安静、镇定的感觉,若你看过,就一定不会忘记,哪怕没有夸张表情和大幅的动作,也一样能让人体味欢喜。 -- ※作者已于 2004-07-02 14:47:48 修改本文※ |
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