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[7528] 主题: what a good web security co. should do |
作者: leaflet | 标题: what a good web security co. should do | |
昵称: Leaf | 来自: 61.165.*.* | |
经验值: 20704 | 发贴时间: 2002年07月07日 14:32:10 | |
等级: 登峰造极 | 长度: 5038字 | |
NSFOCUS Security Services
Preface Nsfocus research department always keep an eye on the most up-to-date networ k security vulnerabilities. Specialized teams are formed to study important se cu rity topics like Distributed Denial of Service, SUN RPC Remote Overflow, Win do ws NetBIOS Security, Windows IIS security, Buffer Overflow Protection and In it iative Detection of Network Intrusion. A series of achievements have been ob ta ined, some of which are not only advanced in China but also industry-leading . NSFOCUS development department of security products has the technique and ex pe rience to develop some high-tech security products like Network Security Sca nn er, Firewall, Intrusion Detection System(IDS). NSFOCUS expects to release so me world-class security products in the near future. As well as research and development, NSFOCUS also provide the most integrate d and comprehensive service of networks security. Our customers include famous I SP/ICP like Beijing Telegraph Office, Beijing Information Harbor, China.com, S ina, Sohu, 8848 Online Supermarket, Enreach etc, and some big enterprises li ke Galaxy Security, Meitian Yingfu and Konca Groups etc. Being a security integration provider, by offering total network security so lu tion, advanced network security technique service and excellent network secu ri ty products to our customers, NSFOCUS devotes himself to improving the secur it y technique and building a “Green Peaceful Network” in China. Services 1、Remote Penetration Test Evaluate security risk from remote penetration test 2、Comprehensive Security Scan Including remote penetration test, local security scan, local security audit a nd total security policy, as well as: Regular local scan and security risk evaluation under the instruction of cus to mer’s engineer Regular external scan for host and network to find problems and ensure secur it y. 3、CGI Audit Audit of CGI source code for potential or known vulnerabilities. NSFOCUS has individual personnel on security of CGI applications. As well as t esting application developed by customer through black box or white box meth od s, they can rapidly enhance security service as soon as some new exploitatio n of CGI and application vulnerabilities is discovered. 4、Integrated Security Advisory NSFOCUS assigns individual personnel to follow the development of security i nd ustry. NSFOCUS R&D Department focuses on research of security technique. Security Advisories no less than 12 times a year Regular security publications Other security advisories 5、Overall Security Related Projects Handling Handle overall security related projects 6、Security Training Training of System Administrator Training of Management Staff Training of Ordinary Staff 7、Emergency Respond Stop attacks Restore damaged system Regain normal running of network Check backdoors Conserve evidence Trace intruder 8、Total Solutions Advise on selection of above-mentioned services Provide necessary security products and solutions. Training of System Administrator Our training courses for system administrator can be divided into 4 parts: S ec urity strategy and management, UNIX system security courses, Network securit y and firewall configurations, Senior hacking defense courses. Security Strategy and Management Introduction: Brief introduction of the concept of system security, cases an d different vulnerabilities. UNIX System Security Course Introduction: Unix system security strategy, example of system security oper at ion, acquirement of system security tools, etc. Network Security & Configuration of Firewall Introduction: Introduction of firewall, configuration principle of different f irewalls Senior Training-- Anti-hacking Skill Course Introduction: Thoroughly explanation of stack over flow vulnerability in UNI X/ NT system, IP Spoof,Sniff,Denial of Service,IP hijacking etc. Training of Ordinary Staff Guide of Computer Security Introduction: The enterprise network is a comprehensive and non-stop organis m, attacking from outside only occupies about 20% of the total attacking resou rc e. Security operation is also very important for ordinary staff. Service Process & System Customers Being a leading security service and integration provider, we provide securi ty solution, product, Detection, Consulting and Training service to numerous s uc cessful enterprises all over China. Our client includes: One of the largest e-business websites in China Most famous human resource website in China Famous e-business & gateway website The largest stockjobber (come from 4 companies) in China ---China Galaxy Sec ur ities The first & largest online digital develop website in China—Meitian Yin gfu Ne twork One of the largest virtual hosting providers—Beijing Wayx Network Technolog y A Famous ISP/ICP |
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